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英会話  1対1  ウジリンゴクラブ    Uji Lingo Club

Story of story


                                                                     会話のネタ                              2017/7/5


< NEW coronavirus  ニューコロナウイルス関連単語>

pandemic パンデミック(世界的大流行)、cluster クラスター 群れ、(感染者集団)


infect 感染 entry 入国 Emergency situation 非常事態 menace 驚異

countless 無数の since the beginning of the history 有史以来 human beings 人類

at a great cost 大きな犠牲を払って immunity 免疫 run into  出くわす、遭遇する

hidden infected young people 隠れ感染者 no symptom 無症状 crowd 群衆

serious condition 重症 moderate 適度な  Needless to say 言うまでもなく 

clue 糸口、手がかり conclusion 収束 vaccine ワクチンovercome 打ち勝つ 

Spanish flu スペイン風邪 pandemic 大流行 estimate 推定 

get over 乗り越える are facing 直面している  race 人種 overcome 打ち勝つ

individual responsibility. 個人責任 medical collapse 医療崩壊

lung 肺 pneumonia 肺炎 medical facility 医療施設 collapse 崩壊

infectious disease 感染症 un-seen fear 見えない不安 host 宿主

hoard a mask マスクを買溜めする surgical mask 外科用マスクdisposable mask 使い棄て

washable facemask 洗えるマスク reusable 再利用可能 made of cloth 布製マスク

lack of stocks 在庫切れ


< One on one chat >


family 家族、business 仕事、hobby 趣味、health 健康、Uji city 宇治市、


neighborhood 町内、my own car 愛車、travel 旅行、language 語学、


book 本・読書、 AI 人工知能、 love 恋愛、 friend 友達、PC、パソコン、smart phone


スマホ、green tea 緑茶、food 食品、money お金、public lottery 宝くじ、


games ゲーム、club クラブ活動、school life 学校生活、reunion 同窓会、


sports スポーツ、daily life 日常生活、pension 年金、insurance 保険、


deposit 貯蓄、disaster 災害、war 戦争、North Korea 北朝鮮、nucleus 核、



1. Your favorite pet

2. Your dressing style

3. What do you do in your free time? (Your most favorite hobby)

4. How do you learn English?

5. Which sport do you like best?

6. Which dish do you like best?

7. Your most favorite/important subject

8. Your future plan

9. Your best scholastic achievement

10. What kind of music do you like best?

11. What do you expect in your parents?

12. If you had a wish, what would you wish?

13. If you can change one thing in your university, what would you change?

14. Your best friend

15. The person you like best

16. Your unforgettable day

17. What is unforgettable in your school life?

18. Your idea of a happy life

19. A type of book you enjoy reading

20. The fruit you like to eat most



What is your favorite city or country?

Do you prefer to visit cities or places of natural beauty?

What is the best or worst hotel you’ve visited?.

What is a memorable place you’ve visited?

Which country/city would you most like to visit?

What countries have you visited?

How do you use the internet when making travel plans?

Do you take a lot of luggage when you travel or do you travel light?

Do you like traveling alone?

What do you like most about traveling?






The pluses of watching TV.

A fond memory of my childhood.    fond 大好きな

The advantage of package tours.

What money means to you.

My memories of a school excursion.     school excursion 遠足

The role of Japan in the world.            role 役割

My biggest regret.

What I think the world will be like in 50 years.

Why people should learn a foreign language.



< Group chat>



1,Male or female, Which is benefit?

2,Car or Train.

3,English education.

4,Countryside or town.

5,Summer or winter.

6,A meat or a fish.

7,Which is more popular between soccer and baseball.

8,Domestic tourism or traveling abroad.

9,Dog and Cat

10,Coffee or tea.

11,Money or health

12,Online books or paper books.

13,On the escalator.


15,Hotel or Ryokan.


17,Temple and shrine.

18,My number.

19,Sea or mountains.





参考Web サイト

英語いいね! NEW


Berlitz blog       


英会話DMM Blog



Native Camp. BLOG.

英会話 1対1 リンゴクラブ Lingo

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