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 English conversation in Lingo Club.


このテキストはLingo Club での実際の英会話に役立つと思えるいくつかの

例文を項目別に述べたものです そのまま又は自分流にアレンジしてご利用

され、さらに英会話を好きになっていただければ幸いです。         2019年1月


< 第1章 リンゴクラブでの会話実践 >


■ 自己紹介

Before we start, could everyone briefly introduce themselves?


My name is Sato, call me Sato chyan.

佐藤といいます サトチャンと呼んでください。

I was born and brought up in Uji city.

私は宇治市で生まれ育ちました。bring up で「(子ども)を育てる」受け身の形で用いるのが普通

I am really into jogging recently.


I want to be good at English!


When it comes to speaking English, I get nervous.



■ Greeting 1  挨拶 (初対面)

What should I call you?   You can call me Mary.

I have a job.  I'm working as a care worker.

Where in Uji city do you live?

How long have you been living there?

How did you know this Lingo Club?

How did you get here? by car or on foot?


■ Greeting 2  挨拶 Ⅱ

How are you doing? Have you met each other?

What's it been since we last met?

What is your name again? (名前を忘れたとき)

It's good to see you. Thank you for coming Lingo Club.

It’s an honor to meet you.


■ Long time no see you 久し振りですね

「It’s been a while.」, 「Long time no see.」(久しぶりだね。)

「How have you been?」(元気にしてた?)

「What’s up?」(最近どう?)

「I haven’t seen you for a long time.」


「I haven’t seen you for a long time.」(ご無沙汰しております。)

「It has been a long time since I saw you last time.(ご無沙汰しております。)

「It’s a pleasure to see you again.」(またお会いできて光栄です。)

I haven’t been to see you for a long time. 長らくご無沙汰しております

Excuse me for my long silence.          ご無沙汰してすみません


■ Chime in 相槌


That’s good. いいですね。

•That’s great. すごい。

•That’s so sweet.  とってもいいね。

•That’s wonderful. 素晴らしい。

•That’s fantastic! それはステキ。

•That’s interesting. それは興味深い。

•That’s too bad. それは残念ですね。

•That’s terrible. それはひどい。

•That’s incredible. 途方もない話ですね。

`That’s too bad. それは気の毒に

`Amazing! すごいじゃない!

`Sounds good. 良いね

`Uh huh. うん


■ The weather 天気 

It’s really hot, isn’t it?

It looks like it’s gonna rain.

It rained all day.

I’m worried about the weather tomorrow.

The temperature went down (up) to 18 degrees.

It was a little cold (hot) this morning.

It is getting warmer (cooler) these days.

I will take out my summer (winter) clothes soon.

I enjoyed the sun in the park.

I got a good sweat.

I hope it’s sunny tomorrow.

I stayed home all (whole) day.

It's supposed to be cloudy today.

The first fine day in a long time.

I play baseball unless it rains

It is such a beautiful day.

If it rains tomorrow, I will stay at home all day.


■ My physical condition  体調

I think I’m getting a cold.

I had no appetite.

I took a day off from work today.

I will go to the hospital tomorrow.

I have to wait for two hours at the hospital.

I took some medicine.

My friend came to take care of me.

I feel better (worse) today than yesterday.

I have to go to work tomorrow.


■ Conversation.  会話

今なんて言った “What’s that”, "What?", "What did you say?"

もう一回言って! "say again please", "one more please",  "Sorry?", "Pardon me"

ゆっくりと言って "Please speak more slowly" "slow speak please"

Just joking    No kidding       冗談でしょ

To be honest   To tell the truth  本当のことを言えば

How do you say “    “ in English?    英語で ” ” はどう言うの?

What are they called in English? 

***ってどういう意味? "What is ***" "What does *** mean?" 

I have no idea.   さっぱり分かりません

When it comes to speaking English, I get nervous


■ 文のつながりを良くする言葉

first                     はじめに、一番目に

then                    それから

after that           その後

at first                最初のうちは

in the end          最後に、結局

anyway              とにかく


■ Your welcome カジュアルな「どういたしまして」

That’s OK.  大丈夫だよ / 気にしないで

No problem.  何も問題ないよ / 大丈夫さ


Forget it.  忘れなよ

sure は口語表現としては質問や依頼に「もちろん!」と応じるフレーズとしてよく使われます

Anytime!  いつでもどうぞ

You bet.  いいって、いいって

Don’t mention it.  お礼なんていいよ

You are most welcome.  どういたしまして、大歓迎ですよ


■ Feeling  気分

I’m sleepy. (tired, dizzy, excited, bored)

My husband said I did a good job.

I gave a speech at my daughter’s wedding reception.

I feel singing at Karaoke.

I feel having some sweets.

I had a fight with my son.

I feel like going shopping. (on a trip)

I feel taking some time off from work.

The Lingo Club was more enjoyable than I thought.


■ What I want to do  したいこと

lose (gain) 5 kg.                 leave my grandson at a day-care center.          

be a good cook.                  make a fortune on the stock market.

go to an English Club.           win a lot of money in the lottery.

speak English well.              move to a bigger house.

take a week off.                 learn how to use  the new PC.

take a trip abroad.

buy a 8k TV.

meet somebody nice.

have a cat (dog).

pass the exam.  


■ 外出

I went to go to the Uji city hall.

I took my ground sun to school.

My daughter took me to the beauty salon.

I took a train to Nara.  It was packed.  ぎゅうぎゅう詰め

The fare was 410 yen.

I had a chat with the person sitting next to me.

I got on the wrong train.


■ travel旅行

I will go to America next year.

Have you ever been to Osaka?

That’s why(That’s the reason why)I took this long vacation.  だから長期休暇を取ったの

Which station should I get off?   どこの駅で降りたらよろしいか?

Where are we on this map?   この地図で私たちは何処ですか?

Can you tell me the way to the post office?

This must be the place you are looking for?   ここはあなたが探していた場所に間違いないわ

Are we allowed to take a pictures here?  写真を撮ってもよろしいでしょうか?


■ shopping.  買い物

I bought a shirt at Takashimaya Department store. It was 5,000yen.

I bought it on impulse. 衝動買い   I really like it.

Could you give me a discount?

Can you make a little cheaper?

It was much cheaper than I thought.

I’ll have to save money from tomorrow.


■ 別れ際のあいさつ

Have a nice day. (よい一日を)Take care.(お元気で)Farewell.(ごきげんよう)

I must be going.(そろそろ行かなくては)See you later.(またあとで会いましょう)

Talk to you later. (またあとでお話しましょう)I’m off. (もう行くね)

Take it easy.(元気でね)

I’ve had a lot of fun today. Thanks.

I’m looking forward to the next Lingo Club.


■ 病気

I don’t like needle. ( dislike  hate )   私は注射が嫌いです

He has a touch of a cold   彼は風邪気味です

相づち Is that right  本当に Absolutely  絶対にそうですよ その通り

How many times a day should I take it?  一日に何回飲むのですか?


■ 映画・読書

I saw “Kasabulanca” at the theater in Kumiyama. . I was impressed.

I read Haruki Murakami’s latest book in the paper.

It wasn’t as good as I thought.

This book is worth reading.

I want to see it live.(生で)


■ 飲食

Let’s go to lunch. It’s on me.      ランチにいきましょう 私のおごりです

I had a sandwich and some coffee for lunch.  It was good.

I had an all-you-can-eat lunch.  It was great.

awful ひどい、不味い hot 辛い salty 塩辛い heavy こってりした light あっさりした

I tried a new restaurant.  I was so full.

Maybe I have taken too much calories.

I should cook at home once in a while.  たまには


■ 料理

I made hamburger steak.

I cooked some rice. ご飯を炊いた

The dish turned out well. 料理がうまく出来た。

I will eat the leftover tomorrow. 残り物

roast 焼く  grill 網焼き  simmer 煮込む  boil ゆでる  steam 蒸す


■ hobby 趣味

What do you do in your free time?

I am really into jogging recently.

I took care of my bonsai trees. 盆栽

I had my English lesson today at Lingo Club.

I have attended the Lingo Club for five years, it’s very fun for me.

I learned how to pronounce th—words in Lingo Club.

The Lingo Club was more enjoyable than I thought.


■ スポーツ

I played tennis after work.

I went camping with my friends.

I jogged for 30 minutes this morning.

I won (lost) the game 3 to 1.

This year I will exercise three times a week.

I went to the gym for the first time in ages. 久しぶりにジムに行った。

I have always wanted to try it.   一度やってみたかったの






■ 仕事

I’m going to work overtime

I’m going to go to the office early.

I have to take the TOEIC test.

I have to go on a business trip to Tokyo.

I’m supposed to have a lunch with Mr. Sato.

I hope I will find a good job.


■ 家事

I did some grocery shopping.

I watered the flowers in my garden.    water (動)水をやる

laundry 洗濯  ironing アイロンがけ  clean up 掃除  swept 掃く

weed 草むしり  air out (布団を)ほす

A clean house makes me feel good.

■ お金

I withdrew 5,000 yen from an ATM.  引き出し

I deposited 10,000 yen into my account.  預金

I paid 3,000 yen with cash.

I paid 15,000 yen altogether.  合計で

I don’t have much money with me right now. 今お金を持っていないの

Money comes and goes. 金は天下の回りもの

Money is the root of all evil. 金は諸悪の根源である


■ 行事・イベント party

It was Setsubun yesterday.

We had year-end party.

I wrote down a wish on a tanzaku paper.

I visited my father’s grave.

We enjoyed talking about our old days.

We took a picture together.

drinking party 飲み会 farewell party 送別会 single’s party 合コン class reunion 同窓会

piano recital ピアノ発表会 memorial service 法事


■ 計画

I am planning to have a dog.

My son is planning to studying English in the USA.

I’m thinking about remodel our house.

How much do I need?

I should save money more.

I should start gathering information.

I can’t wait to see my grandchild.

I’m looking forward to the next Lingo Club.

I hope the weather is nice.


■ 決意

I will go to America next year.

I will never forgive him!.

I have decided to lose 3 kg.

I want to live my own life. 新しい人生を歩みたい。


■ 疑問

I wonder if she likes sushi.

I wonder why she didn’t come to Lingo Club today.

I don’t know why my PC freezes these days.

Maybe I should go to the doctor.

I hope everything is OK.


■ 願望      

I want to be good at English.   I want to live alone.

I hope to speak English well.

How much will be enough?

I hope my dreams will come true.

I wish that the member of the Lingo Club will be increase.



< 第2章 ちょっとした英文法・その他 >


■ fraction  分数

1/3はどう言う?  one third または a thirdも同じ)、

次に分母を序数(first, second, third...)で言えばOK。

”3分の2”なら、読みは two thirds.

注意点としては、”3分の1”のように分子が1のときと違って、”5分の3”など、分子が複数の場合には three fifths と、分母の序数が複数形になる。

Two thirds of the students in my class can speak English.



■ 名詞の複数形

基本 book → books    -es  bus → buses    -y  city → cities   

-f /-fe  knife → knives   不規則変化 child → children, woman → women


■ 伝聞の英語表現


I hear (that) Angie and Tom have got married.

アンジーとトムが結婚したらしい    時制は現在形(hear) が一般的

「~と聞いた」という脈絡を考えると、動詞は過去形か過去完了が適当ではと思われるところですが、伝聞の表現としては普通は現在時制の hear が用いられます。

I have heard that ~「聞いたことがある」。

they say that ~ 「~らしい」「~と言われる」のようなニュアンスに当たるでしょう。

They say (that) a good thing never lasts.


It is said that ~ は they say that ~ とほぼ同義表現として扱われる表現です。

It is said (that) a good thing never lasts.



■ 推量の英語表現

It seems that (Seems like) seem は「~のように見える」、「~みたいだ」。

Seems like only yesterday. まるでつい昨日のことみたいだ

It looks like 「~と見受けられる」口語的フレーズとしてはLooks like と省略できます。

Looks like it’s gonna rain. 雨が降りそう (に見える)

( gonna は「going to」の省略形で、口語表現としてはよく使われます。)

It sounds 「sound+補語」で「~のように聞こえる」つまり「~のようだ」

Sounds fun. 楽しそうだ  Sound good  良さそうだ

It is like  It’s like ~で「(まるで)~のようだ」

口語表現ではしばしば just (まさに)が挿入されます。

It’s just like a dream まるで夢みたいだ

feel like ~ing (~したいように感じる)といった言い回し。

「I want to ~」(~したい)ほど直接的ではなく、意思の程度をぼかして表現する言い方です。

I feel like eating something. 何か食べたいような気がする


■ a preposition基本的な前置詞


at ~       ~(狭い場所)で          I met him at the café.

in ~       ~(広い場所)で          He lives in Kyoto.

to ~       ~(到着点)へ              She went to USA.

for ~      ~(方向・目的地)へ  I will leave for Hong Kong.

into ~   ~の中へ                          She went into the fitting room.

from ~  ~から                              I came back from USA yesterday.                                     

near ~  ~の近くに                      The restaurant is near the station.

by ~      ~のすぐそばに              He was standing by the entrance.

in front of ~       ~の前で            I met him in front of the school.

behind ~            ~の後ろで               Pochi hid himself behind the sofa.



at ~       ~時に                I left the office at 7 p.m.

on ~      ~日付、曜日    She arrive in Japan on March.

in ~       ~年月季節午前午後に                I’m going to go to Tokyo in July.

from ~  ~(時の起点)から      I’m going to work in the new office from Monday.     

from ~ to ~        ~から~まで                  I have to work from 9 a, m, to 7 p.m. tomorrow.

until ~  ~(終点)までずっと  I prepared for the presentation until 4 this morning.

by ~      ~(期限)までに          I have to submit提出 the report by Friday.

for ~      ~の間                              I studied English for two hours today.

during ~            ~(特別な期間)の間  I stayed in Thailand during the summer vacation.

in ~       今から~後に                  I can see her in two days.

within ~             ~以内に                          I have to make the decision within three days.

before ~             ~の前に                          I want get back home before 8 p.m. tomorrow.

after ~                ~の後に            We went for a drink after work.



with ~  ~と一緒に                                    I had dinner with Emiko tonight.

for ~     ~(目的、理由)のために        I worked hard for the presentation.

by ~      ~(交通や通信の手段)で        I went my son’s house by my own car.

from ~  ~(物事の起点)から                I got a mail from Masayuki.



here   there   up   down   today   yesterday   tomorrow 


■ 間違いやすい接続詞

~ because --  (--なので~だ) I have a stomachache because I ate too much.

~, so --  (~だから、--だ) I ate too much, so I have a stomachache.

I will ~, if --  (もし—ならば、~しよう)I will wash my car if it’s sunny tomorrow.


■ 便利表現

~すぎて--出来ない too ~ to --  The book was too exciting to stop reading.

思ったより~だった ~ was – than I thought.   The movie was better than I thought.

思ったほど~でなかった ~ wasn’t as – as I thought.   Okinawa wasn’t as hot as I thought.

もう少しで~するところだった I almost ~    I almost overslept.

~ぶりに for the first time in ~   I checked my e-mail for the first time in two days.

~したことがある I have ~   I have met him two times.

情報を付け足す ~, which is --   I have a friend in NY, which is the biggest city in USA.

偶然~した I happened to ~   I happened to meet Emiko at the shopping mall.

結局~してしまった I ended up ~ing   I ended up buying the dress.


 (石原真弓著「英語日記」部分引用  他Webより抜粋)

















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